Training, Language and Culture

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ISSN 2520-2073 | 2521-442X

Linguistic and Cultural Research: A Multilingual Perspective

Articles: 8 Reviews: 1

Guest Editor Dr Vladimir I. Karasik

The special issue was prepared thanks to the invaluable collaboration of Guest Editor Dr. Vladimir I. Karasik, whose significant contributions enriched the production process and translated into some outstanding outcomes. This collection of articles presents a series of scholarly inquiries that examine the interconnectedness of language and culture across various sociolinguistic contexts. The thematic content of this issue spans several areas, including sentiment analysis, cultural identity, translation studies, and discourse analysis, reflecting the multifaceted nature of linguistic and cultural research.

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Code switching patterns in Kazakh-Russian hybrid language practice: An empirical study

French medical memes: Themes, language, functions

Linguo-cultural value of 忍 ‘patience’ in traditional and modern Chinese culture

Russian culture through the prism of English, Finnish and Japanese languages: Reflections or refractions?

Empirical application of sentiment analysis and emotions in Spanish: A post-cognitivist approach

The impact of migration on linguistic and cultural identity: A case study of the Balik tribe

Framing negative eWOM via conjunctions: The language of customer communication in the luxury hotel sector on social media

Hikikomori and Sōshokukei-danshi: A semantic analysis of Japan’s social deviants

Review My grammar and I (or should that be ‘me’?) (book review)

Articles: 8 Reviews: 1

This issue incorporates a collection of eight original research articles and one book review that together span a wide range of topics in the fields of language learning, pedagogical innovation, linguistic analysis, and the intersection of language with technology. Each contribution encourages the integration of the findings across disciplines, appealing to a broad audience including educators, linguists, curriculum designers, and policymakers. The articles in this issue collectively expose the importance of interdisciplinary research in addressing complex questions about language acquisition, teaching methodologies, cultural influences on communication, and the role of language studies.

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The use of the iBrainstorm app in a collaborative argumentation-based learning context for developing listening comprehension skills by EFL learners

A target English needs analysis on ESP course: Exploring medical students’ perceptions of necessities at a Yemeni university

Spanish as a resource in the acquisition of English as a second language

Stance expressions in applied linguistics research articles: A corpus-based contrastive study

Evaluating the BBC’s L2 approach to teaching English consonants online: A digitally oriented pedagogic phonetic analysis

Power and solidarity in pronominal forms of address: A case study of Chinese and Russian teacher-student interactions

Teacher practices and student preferences of oral corrective feedback in Indonesian EFL classrooms: A Vygotskian perspective

The subject and non-subject agreements in the Yemsa relative clauses

Review Sounding out semantics: The limits of philosophy (book review)

Emergent Trends in Language Education: Bridging Tradition and Technology

Articles: 8 Reviews: 1

Guest Editor Dr Lazar Stošić

This special issue was prepared through a much appreciated collaboration with Dr Lazar Stošić - Doctor of Computer Science, Professor and the President of the Association for the Development of Science, Engineering and Education in Serbia. Dr Stošić is an expert in scholarly publishing with expertise in editorial workflow management, web technologies, web design, indexing, XML production, SEO, digital marketing, and new media technologies. Dr Stošić is Editor-in-Chief of WoS and Scopus indexed International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE) and the official Crossref Ambassador for Europe. Prepared in collaboration with Dr Stošić, this issue is a curated collection of articles that serves as a testament to the dynamic intersection where traditional teaching methodologies converge with the transformative impact of technological innovations in the realm of language education.

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Academic writing as sociolinguistic practice: The case of academic writing in foreign language studies

Current trends in teaching a foreign language in the digital era

Linguistic landscape as a powerful teaching resource in English for Specific Purposes

Methodological vector of professional training development of foreign language teachers

Micro-learning principles in teaching EFL in the structure of supplementary and further education: Andragogical aspect

Applying the cognitive congruence principle to target language training

Classical texts in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language: Investigation of a case study of 2018-2023 curriculum

What can a foreign language textbook for Engineering majors be like? A case of developing and evaluating its sociocultural content

Review Trainingsbuch Business English: Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit in internationalen Teams (a review)

Articles: 8 Reviews: 2

This issue explores a diverse range of topics at the intersection of language, culture, communication, and education to contribute to the ongoing dialogue in the respective areas of inquiry. The research incorporated in this issue contributes a unique perspective to the field of linguistics, communication, and language instruction and will hopefully inspire further exploration and discussion, ultimately benefiting educators, researchers, and language learners alike.

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Probing the relationship among reading anxiety, mindfulness, reflective thinking, and reading comprehension ability of Iraqi intermediate and advanced EFL learners

(Digital) empathising: (De-)constructing (digital) empathy in foreign language teaching

English for Specific Purposes: Tailoring English language instruction for history majors

English dog expressions: Categorisation, structure, attitude, semantic molecules, and translatability into Arabic

Colombian national anthem as the dialogicity continuum

Headline complexes in business articles as a means of opinion manipulation

The impact of presentation skills on Moroccan engineering students’ language abilities

Academic writing details in critical perspective

Review Everyday Shakespeare: Lines for life (a review)

Review Introducing stylistic analysis: Practicing the basics (a review)

Professional Communication: Inquiries into Language Across Borders

Articles: 8 Reviews: 1

Guest Editors Dr Salvador Pons Bordería and Dr Shima Salameh Jiménez

This special issue is prepared with a much-appreciated assitance of our Guest Editors Dr Salvador Pons Bordería and Dr Shima Salameh Jiménez. The issue examines how language in professional communication is produced through different qualitative and quantitative analyses – semantic, pragmatic, cognitive – and by using novel techniques for data obtention. Results are applied to different languages, such as Russian, English, or Chinese, and show a wide cultural representativity.

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A socio-onomastic study of the 2022 FIFA World Cup football teams’ nicknames

Metaphor power and language typology: Analysis of correlation on the material of the United Nations Declarations

How headlines communicate: A functional-pragmatic analysis of small-format texts in English-language mass media

A corpus analysis of cohesion in World Health Organization speeches by the Director General on Covid-19 vaccination

To be or not to be critical in academic communication? Pragmatics of evaluative language in Russian academic book reviews

Manifestations of politeness and power in problem-solving business telephone calls

American telephone voice: Socio-phonetic features of identity in professional and non-professional discourse

Language and cognition behind simile construction: A Python-powered corpus research

Review Language, power and intercultural communication: The policies and politics of translation (a review)

Articles: 8 Reviews: 2

The first issue of 2023 offers outstanding studies investigating a broad scope of problems within the realm of checklist-based scoring, programme learning outcomes, the learning of minority languages, supervisors’ theses feedback, identity construction, the challenges of aviation communication, digital politeness in the post-Covid era, and the comparative analysis of the speech act of refusal. The reviews include Teaching English for Tourism: Bridging research and praxis (published by Routledge), and Reconceptualizing English for International Business Contexts: A BELF approach and its educational implications (published by Multilingual Matters).

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Issues of practicality and impact in checklist-based scoring of writing

Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO) as a measure for academic success in postgraduate studies: A case study of a Malaysian Higher Learning Institution

Heritage and minority languages, and their learning: A general bibliometric approach and content analysis

Supervisors’ written feedback on EFL graduate students’ theses: Survey-sourced empirical evidence of best practices

Identity construction in the UK higher education: How cultural gendered identity is shaped through leadership practice

Aviation communication challenges and language training development: Perspectives from pilots and air traffic controllers

Digital politeness in online translator and interpreter training: The lessons of the pandemic

Mitigation tools and politeness strategies in invitation refusals: American and Russian communicative cultures

Review Teaching English for Tourism: Bridging research and praxis (a review)

Review Reconceptualising English for International Business Contexts: A BELF approach and its educational implications (a review)

Articles: 6 Reviews: 2

This year’s final issue has gathered some noteworthy research with the studies offering insights into the issues of field-specific terminology, language policy and planning, hospitality education, promotional discourse, language aggression, and in-service teacher training.

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Accounting terminology in English economic discourse (based on India’s The Company Act 2013)

The changing role of English in Bangladesh

The effectiveness of flipped classroom in the hospitality education

Perfection as a concept of hyperbolisation in English promotional discourse: A multi-dimensional linguistic analysis

Language aggression in virtual professional communities

This can be made more student-centred: Asynchronous mediation in in-service teacher professional development

Review Humble pie and cold turkey: English expressions and their origins (a review)

Review Why is this a question? Everything about the origins and oddities of language you never thought to ask (a review)

Articles: 6 Reviews: 2

This issue offers multifaceted studies looking into learners’ collocational competence, the teaching of ESP and EFL university courses online, the ways to enhance university reputation, the language of research articles, the problems occurring in translating medical abbreviations and acronyms, and storytelling as an instrument of promoting intercultural communicative competence.

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Croatian EFL learners’ collocational competence: Congruent and incongruent collocations

Technical, psychological and behavioural aspects of teaching EFL and ESP university courses online: A case study of the 2020-2021 curriculum

Pondering on the ways to enhance university reputation

Cross-disciplinary variation in metadiscourse: A corpus-based analysis of Russian-authored research article abstracts

Inconsistency of translating medical abbreviations and acronyms into the Arabic language

Challenging intercultural discomforts: Intercultural communicative competence through digital storytelling

Review Theoretical and applied perspectives on teaching foreign languages in multilingual settings: Pedagogical implications (a review)

Review Reflecting on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and its Companion Volume (a review)

Finding Culture in Language

Articles: 6 Reviews: 2

Guest Editor Prof David Crystal

This special issue prepared in a much-anticipated collaboration with the brilliant Prof David Crystal illustrates the complexity as well as the fascination of studying language in relation to culture, and aspires to answer a seemingly simple, yet infinitely challenging question: where is culture to be found?

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Assessing intercultural competence using videotapes: A comparison study of home students’ performance

Collectivism and individualism in US culture: An analysis of attitudes to group work

Culture shock and student engagement

The role of English in intercultural communication: Past, modernity and future global perspectives

The role and place of foreign languages in Russian culture

The cultural environment of metaphors: A study of German as a Second/Foreign Language

Review Bridge the culture gaps: A toolkit for effective collaboration in the diverse, global workplace (a review)

Review Field guide to intercultural research (a review)

Articles: 6 Reviews: 2

The first issue of 2022 has gathered some comprehensive and illuminating research covering several valid scientific problems, including language research in the academic journals, foreign language speaking anxiety, intercultural awareness and learning, prosodic culturally marked peculiarities of language teachers’ speech behaviour, emotions in written communication, and geographically rmarked Hispanic toponymy.

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Powering the future: Academic journals and language research

Dealing with foreign language speaking anxiety: What every language teacher should know

Considering perspectives of others: A case study of intercultural learning among English language learners in Norway

The role of prosody in expressing culture-specific speech behaviour of language teachers in English

Communicating recipient’s emotions: Text-triggered interest

Hispanic toponymy of Western Sahara: Stratigraphic and typological analysis

Review McCarthy’s field guide to grammar (a review)

Review Reflecting on leadership in language education (a review)

Articles: 6 Reviews: 2

This final issue of 2021 discusses some captivating questions in the domain of neurolinguistics, computer-mediated communication, discourse analysis of social media, language policy and planning, cultural contexts, intertextuality, and the strategies and tactics of speech behaviour.

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Walk’n’Talk: Effects of a communicative strategy

The social media framing of gender pay gap debate in American women’s sport: A linguistic analysis of emotive language

English and Malay language policy and planning in Malaysia

Not ‘culture’ as Hofstede assumed, but ‘context’ is the software of the mind: The neuroscience of a dynamic, contextual, and polycultural self

Precedence-setting tokens: Issues of classification and functional attribution

Verbalisation of encouragement in contemporary French dialogic discourse

Review Language learning environments: Spatial perspectives on second language acquisition (a review)

Review Highly irregular: Why tough, through and dough don’t rhyme (a review)

Current Challenges in Language Teaching and Learning: Perspectives, Practices and Provisions

Articles: 6 Reviews: 2

Guest Editor Dr Ekaterina Protassova

This special issue prepared in collaboration with Guest Editor Dr Ekaterina Protassova of the University of Helsinki focuses on diverse conditions of language teaching and learning that reflect the leading edge of educational thought in order to promote multilingualism and introduce languages other than English.

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Language learning with physical activity: The case of learning Italian in tourism

Languages for specific purposes in medicine and healthcare in times of the Covid-19 pandemic: Reflections on usage-based teaching

Emergency remote teaching and learning in simultaneous interpreting: Capturing experiences of teachers and students

Teaching simultaneous interpreting: The early stage

Mixed method in language teaching: Concepts and model’s evaluation

A look into young learners’ language learning strategies: A Croatian example

Review Rethinking language use in digital Africa: Technology and communication in Sub-Saharan Africa (a review)

Review Constructive intercultural management: Integrating cultural differences successfully (a review)

More than Meets the Eye:
A Closer Look at Professional Discourse

Articles: 6 Reviews: 1

Guest Editor Dr Michael McCarthy

TLC is proud to present a special issue on the language of professional discourse prepared in collaboration with Guest Editor Dr Michael McCarthy, Emeritus Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Nottingham and author of more than 50 books and 100 academic papers dealing with English language research. All the articles in this issue go beyond the lexico-grammatical scaffolding of their chosen texts and, using different methods and approaches, all explore the symbolic substrata of texts within professional discourses in the domains of politics, marketing, tourism, and socio-cultural media.

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The phenomenon of fascination in political discourse (by Italian examples)

The role of the cognitive metaphor in the hybridisation of marketing and political discourses: An analysis of English-language political advertising

The tourist booklet as a genre of professional discourse: Interaction with the customer

When linguistics meets computer science: Stylometry and professional discourse

The functional approach, semiotics and professional discourse

Semantic shift in conflict terminology in contemporary Russian socio-cultural media discourse

Review Why study languages? (A review)

Articles: 6 Reviews: 2

The first issue of 2021 offers academic research helping us to better understand attitudes to organisational culture around the world, the relationship between intercultural communication and national identity, the role of authentic materials in language teaching and learning, the relationship between human translation skills and neural translation machines, the development of pre-service teachers’ digital communication skills and the development of remote teacher training programmes.

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Organisational culture – a fallacy?

National identity in international education: Revisiting problems of intercultural communication in the global world

Re-framing conceptual metaphor translation research in the age of neural machine translation: Investigating translators’ added value with products and processes

Developing pre-service teachers’ digital communication and competences through service learning for bilingual literacy

Introducing German pre-service teachers to remote teaching: Policy, preparation and perceptions of competence development of future foreign language teachers

The implementation of authentic language input in second language (L2) teaching: Pedagogical arguments

Review Intercultural politeness: Managing relations across cultures (a review)

Review The bilingual brain: And what it tells us about the science of language (a review)

Articles: 6 Reviews: 1

The final issue of 2020 broaches some challenging questions in the realm of EFL assessment, applied linguistics, active learning, education for sustainable development, teaching second language to migrant and ethnic minorities, and the lexical composition of contemporary political discourse.

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Standard setting and internal validation of a novel approach adopted for assessing speaking

Programming for specific purposes in linguistics: A new challenge for the humanitarian curricula

Towards synergetic combination of traditional and innovative digital teaching and research practices

Promoting the UN sustainable development goals in teaching, research and democratic urban life: Approaches to lifelong education for sustainable development

Which competences for whom? Supporting the supporters of work-related L2 development by migrants and ethnic minorities

The creative potential of contemporary Russian political discourse: From new words to new paradigms

Review Peacebuilding in language education: Innovations in theory and practice (a review)

Articles: 6 Reviews: 2

This issue offers insightful research on Arabic, Chinese, Greek, German and English languages and cultures drawing on a diverse range of methodological frameworks and an impressive repertoire of scientific approaches. Another exciting issue featuring new scholarship from Russia, Western Europe and the Middle East, complemented by recent book reviews and, as is customary, our quarterly news report.

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Do Saudi academic women use more feminised speech to describe their professional titles? An evidence from corpus

Soubriquet nomination as referred to cultural awareness and intercultural competence

‘Safe’ political discourse: Linguo-cultural and pragma-linguistic perspectives

Claiming and displaying national identity: A case study of Chinese exchange students in Russia

Language and the pandemic: The construction of semantic frames in Greek-German comparison

Language and cognitive science: How language affects reasoning and memory

Review Close encounters of a cultural kind: Lessons for business, negotiation and friendship (a review)

Review Soft power: The new great game for global dominance (a review)

Articles: 6 Reviews: 2

This issue explores the issues of communication in multicultural classrooms and how to manage them, the ways of overcoming xenoglossophobia, and the challenge of considering local environment as part of the language teaching process. Also, Italy features strongly in this issue with two articles on the terminology used in the Italian tourist and furniture and interior design industries, and the importance of loanwords in organisational naming to ensure more effective international marketing.

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Intercultural communication in multicultural education space

Anglicisms and loanwords: The contribution of English exemplified by contemporary Italian tourist terminology

Company naming strategies in the Italian interior design industry

The fear factor: Xenoglossophobia or how to overcome the anxiety of speaking foreign languages

Glocalisation in action: ‘Less is More’ English coursebook series

Managing diversity in the classroom

Review Bagels, bumf and buses: A day in the life of the English language (a review)

Review Language unlimited: The science behind our most creative power (a review)

Profession-Oriented Research: Educational and Methodological Perspectives

Articles: 6 Reviews: 2

Guest Editor Dr Robert O'Dowd

The first issue of 2020 is a special one, not only because it bears its own name - Profession-Oriented Research: Educational and Methodological Perspectives - but also because it was prepared by a very special Guest Editor - Dr Robert O'Dowd whose contribution in putting the issue together cannot be underestimated. Dr O'Dowd's concise yet overwhelmingly to-the-point Introduction will place things in context for our readers. On the part of the TLC team, we extend our sincere gratitude to Dr O'Dowd and would like to thank him for his time and effort in making this a truly special issue.

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Profession-oriented training of foreign language teachers in modern conditions

Teaching academic writing: A shift towards intercultural rhetoric

Business cultural training in a globalised economy

Enhancing the development of intercultural communicative competence in business and study environments

Successful international communication

The role of toponymic periphrasis in developing professional competence in learning Spanish

Review Let’s talk: How English conversation works (a review)

Review Your voice speaks volumes: It’s not what you say but how you say it (a review)

Articles: 6 Reviews: 2

This issue will examine an array of problematic areas of study concerned with intercultural competence, virtual exchange, the task-based approach to L2 teaching, language for work, politeness strategies, translation of field-specific terminology from French into Russian, and the language of social media and status messages.

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Teaching intercultural communicative competence through virtual exchange

Applying a task-based approach to authentic texts: An example of teaching a poem to lower level students of Greek as L2

Language for work matters

Politeness strategies in business English discourse

Translating cheese production terminology from French to Russian: Challenges and pitfalls

Self-representation through social network status messages: Psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic and gender aspects

Review Cross-cultural management: With insights from brain science (a review)

Review Critical global semiotics: Understanding sustainable transformational citizenship (a review)

Articles: 6 Reviews: 2

This issue will leave no stone unturned in its search for some inspiring methodological, linguistic and cultural perspectives that will, hopefully, make a valid contribution to the corresponding fields of research.

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The cultural imperative: Global trends in the 21st century

Understanding African cultures and philosophies

Can a sociolinguistic perspective of Second Language Acquisition solve ‘the longstanding human curiosity’ of learning languages?

The linguistic aspect behind the changing attitudes towards ‘globalisation’ and ‘deglobalisation’ of economic processes (a case study of the German print media)

Intensifying adverbs in the English language

Grammatical interference in written papers translated by Russian and American students

Review Don’t believe a word: The surprising truth about language (a review)

Review Because Internet: Understanding the new rules of language (a review)

Articles: 6 Reviews: 2

The issue will look closely into the intricate nature, pitfalls and difficulties of second language acquisition, as well as address a number of purely linguistic problems within the realm of pragmatics, grammar and discourse studies.

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Neural foundations of creativity in foreign language acquisition

Narrative and identity in the foreign language classroom: Reflections on symbolic competence

Writing diplomatically: Managing potential conflict

Persuasive techniques in advertising

Semantics and pragmatics of the double modal ‘might could’

Hedging in different types of discourse

Review Dreyer’s English: An utterly correct guide to clarity and style (a review)

Review Teaching digital literacy (a review)

Articles: 6 Reviews: 1

The first issue of 2019 will shed light on a number of engaging topics that will hit home with both language researchers and teachers. The underlying theme in our language section has to do primarily with style and everything it takes to make various institutional discourses productive, targeted and explicit.

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Euphemisms in advertising discourse: Putting on a positive face and maintaining speech etiquette

Art discourse revisited: Linguocultural specifics of childhood-related art tokens

Cognitive and pragmatic approach to using stylistic devices in English literary discourse

Questioning practice in the EFL classroom

Cross-cultural pragmatic failure

Some aspects of the role of interpreters in investigative interviews

Review Between turn and sequence: Turn-initial particles across languages (a review)

Articles: 6 Reviews: 4

This final issue of the passing year has drawn together a set of diverse research with studies ranging from teaching languages in emerging economies to the use of interjections by British royal family members. The former subject has obviously become one of the central concerns in both practical and scholarly terms as developing countries worldwide are struggling to overcome educational obstacles and provide for language learning.

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English for the underserved: Closing the digital divide

Endangered languages: The case of Irish Gaelic

The defeat of radical singularism in Russian, English and French literature

Developing creative writing skills in a high school ESL classroom

The role of cultural scripts in non-native speech generation

Interjections in the speech of British royal family members

Review First you write a sentence: The elements of reading, writing... and life (a review)

Review It’s all Greek: Borrowed words and their histories (a review)

Review Have you eaten grandma? (A reivew)

Review Multilingual computer assisted language learning (a review)

Articles: 6 Reviews: 2

In this issue, the crux of the matter has to do mostly with one of the key political, economic and sociocultural issues of today – the so-called refugee crisis and the corresponding issues faced by numerous communities across the globe. As multiculturalism continues to advocate equal respect to the various cultures in a society and promote the maintenance of cultural diversity, the matters of language learning and teaching come to the forefront highlighting the need for initiatives to support children and adult education in the context of the ever-shifting geopolitical developments.

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Multilingualism language policy in the EU today: A paradigm shift in language education

Fostering foreign language acquisition in young refugees using mobile devices: The YouRNI project experience

Teaching and learning in a multi-cultural school in Thessaloniki: A case study

Translation as a subject of theoretical text analysis

Some basic challenges and strategies in teaching translation to Chemistry majors

Strategic implementation of verbs of communication in English business discourse

Review Spirituality and English language teaching: Religious explorations of teacher identity, pedagogy and context (a review)

  • Original work by: Mary Shephard Wong and Ahmar Mahboob (Eds.)

  • Reviewed by: Barry Tomalin and Dominique Vouillemin

  • Pages: 97-100
  • DOI: 10.29366/2018tlc.2.3.7

  • Access: Access article

Review Breaking news: The remaking of journalism and why it matters now (a review)

Articles: 6 Reviews: 4

In such an uncertain world of political tension and complex social relations, how are linguists and cultural specialists to interpret it using language? Do we state the truth as we see it, modify it, avoid it or falsify it? In search for the answer, we have chosen George Carlin as our cover quotation this month, for a lot of language is about manipulating opinion and maybe avoiding the truth. Many of the articles this issue address this area of different uses of language.

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Teaching intercultural competence in undergraduate business and management studies

Minitexts of poetic titles as markers of the English cognitive paradigm

Vague language as a means of avoiding controversy

Persuasion strategy in online social advertising

EU immigration in the British press: How was immigration reported immediately prior to the EU referendum?

Classification of English loanwords in Business Spanish

Review Intercultural communication: An interdisciplinary approach. When neurons, genes and evolution joined the discourse (a review)

Review Language, education and neoliberalism: Critical studies in Sociolinguistics (a review)

Review Post-truth (a review)

Review Taking Chinese to the world: Language, culture and identity in Confucius Institute teachers (a review)

Articles: 6 Reviews: 4

The issue covers a set of issues dealing with integration examination in Russia, teaching translation, poetry and diplomacy, free indirect speech in author’s translation, and foreign language education in Greece.

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Integration examination in the Russian Federation. Three years of experience and research: Success or failure?

The teacher’s sense of plausibility

Selecting a translation equivalent: Factors to consider in the classroom

Poetry and diplomacy: Telling it slant

Free indirect speech as a means to introduce archaic style into the author’s narration: A Russian linguistics perspective

Made in Greece: PALSO Federation and foreign language education in Greece

Review How language began (a review)

Review Diplomatic protocol: Etiquette, statecraft and trust (a review)

Review Making sense: The glamorous history of English grammar (a review)

Review One kiss or two: In search of the perfect greeting (a review)

Articles: 6 Reviews: 3

The issue presents a varied review of the academic field of language, culture and literature. The key theme this issue is alternative approaches to education with articles on internationalising the classroom through Virtual Exchange, on how a different font type and colour can help or hinder reading fluency, and a challenging article on how ICT can be used to motivate Generation Z students to learn more effectively.

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Virtual exchange and internationalising the classroom

Teaching Generation Z: Methodological problems and their possible solutions

Contrast and font affect reading speeds of adolescents with and without a need for language-based learning support

Gender literature: How much is it underpinned by authors’ private lives?

An acoustic analysis of the production of word-initial stop /p/ by late Arab bilinguals

Phrasal verbs as learning material in Business English courses for students majoring in Linguistics

Review From principles to practice in education for intercultural citizenship (a review)

Review Do I make myself clear? Why writing well matters (a review)

Review The Bonjour Effect: The secret codes of French conversation revealed (a review)

Articles: 6 Reviews: 3

The issue considers an array of problems concerning metacommunication, the development of Business English skills, teaching negotiation, English-Chinese comparative morphology, and foreign language teaching in the German Gymnasium.

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Interconnectivity and metacommunication

Developing Business English skills using case studies in multilevel education

Teaching negotiation in a globalised world: Benefits of a genre approach

Typological differences in morphemic-syllabic word structure in English and Chinese

English and foreign language teaching in the German Gymnasium

Sappho’s missed communications

Review Digital language learning and teaching: Research, theory and practice (a review)

Review Enough said: What’s gone wrong with the language of politics? (A review)

Review English for diplomatic purposes (a review)

Articles: 6 Reviews: 3

This issue presents a notable range of research including analysis of language corpora and their value and limitations in describing changes in language usage; analysis of the characteristics of semantic fields based on an international experiment recognising names of common birds; why it is that in the early stages little girls may be better at language learning than little boys; why the teaching of cultural differences, particularly as expressed through non-verbal communication, is essential to the successful teaching of international business communication; and how the French business press is making increasing use of British and American expressions despite the sometime resistance of the French language establishment.

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Usage on the move: Evolution and re-volution

Developing students’ socio-cultural competence in foreign language classes

Early gender diversity in reading and writing: Research and didactical consequences

Psycholinguistic analysis of lexical-semantic structure in linguistic consciousness of Russian, English and German native speakers

Teaching English in China: Changing self-perception

Linguistic and functional cognitive peculiarities of media language as the basis of interpretations in the communicative sphere

Review Modern English grammar: Morphology and syntax (a review)

Review Why English? Confronting the Hydra (a review)

Review Language ideology, policy and planning in Peru (a review)

Articles: 6 Reviews: 2

The inaugural issue features an article by Professor David Crystal on the need for an online cultural dictionary and other notable research that will hopefully interest a vast array of researchers and practitioners.

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My priority for the next 50 years: An online cultural dictionary

Communicative strategies and tactics of speech manipulation in intercultural business discourse

Automated Speech Recognition in language learning: Potential models, benefits and impact

Minitexts in modern educational discourse: Functions and trends

An analysis of two evaluative models for a university MA English for Communication course

Dynamic changes in modern English discourse

Review Teaching English literature / Shorties: Flash fiction in English language teaching (a review)

Review Gift of the gab: How eloquence works (a review)

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